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The macroeconomic landscape of 2024 was shaped by the continuation of geopolitical and economic tensions, divergent economic trends, but also the moderation in inflation enabling the start of monetary policy easing in the US and in Europe. The prolonged war in Ukraine, hostilities in the Middle East, and escalating rivalries [...]

EthiFinance présente la troisième édition de son étude “Panorama IR Private Equity & Dette Privée – France” consacrée à la maturité des pratiques d’Investissement Responsable (IR) des Sociétés de Gestion de Portefeuille (SGP) françaises investissant sur les marchés du Private Equity et de la dette privée.


Environmental change related to human activities has become a major systemic risk that financial institutions must take into account. While climate-related regulations have emerged, and with them the need to estimate the effects of climate change and transition efforts on economies and financial stability, the more global issue of nature [...]

Opinion by Thomas Dilasser, Chief Rating Officer – Corporates & Project Finance at EthiFinance In today’s financial markets, young companies often prioritize storytelling to attract investors, focusing on bold narratives instead of sustainable cashflow generation. With interest rates decreasing and financing opportunities growing, the temptation to overpromise is high—but this approach carries [...]

EthiFinance publie la première édition de son étude “Rapports Article 29 LEC 2024 – Quel niveau de conformité sur les enjeux de biodiversité et de risques ESG ?” portant sur le niveau de transparence des acteurs financiers soumis à l’Art. 29 LEC sur les enjeux de biodiversité et de risques [...]

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