Nos Dernières Notifications

Axesor Rating’s growth plan started the development of a specific methodology for the issuance of corporate ratings for those companies whose sole activity is construction, management and/or the undertaking of singular projects whose financing does not have recourse to the parent company. Said projects may be both private and public [...]

Axesor Rating’s growth plan started the development of a specific methodology for the issuance of ratings for financial products, such as bonds. The main objective of said methodology is to issue ratings which measure the credit quality associated with a specific financial product, taking into account not only the solvency [...]

Axesor updated its rating scale to include notches for all of its ratings. This change incorporated a greater granularity for the scale, allowing us to know the level of relative importance of each rating within a risk level. Axesor has not received any comments for this notification during the open [...]

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