Nos Dernières Notifications

EthiFinance has launched its new Project Finance Methodology, entering into effect today, 21st of July, 2023.  Material changes have been made to improve and clarify our Project Finance Framework.  As a novelty, we have included ESG considerations in our Criteria and have added Physical Risks as a new rating factor. Documents [...]

The Request for Comments period was launched on the 8th of June 2023 and was closed on 8th of July of 2023. The Request for Comments affected the future EthiFinance Ratings’ Sovereign Methodology. During this period we have received a comment that will be answered publicly in the coming days.


EthiFinance Ratings is launching a request for comments for its Sovereign Long-Term Rating methodology and is inviting market participants to submit their comments and suggestions. The Request for Comments period is starting on 8th of June and is expected to last until 8thl of July. Unless specified otherwise, these comments [...]

En su revisión del mes de mayo EthiFinance Ratings mejora la calificación de crédito no solicitada de la República de Portugal de BBB a BBB+ con tendencia Estable. La agencia de calificación europea calcula que la economía lusa crecerá un 2,7% este ejercicio, coincidiendo con las previsiones de la Comisión [...]

En su revisión del mes de mayo EthiFinance Ratings mejora la calificación de crédito no solicitada de la República de Portugal de BBB a BBB+ con tendencia Estable. La agencia de calificación europea calcula que la economía lusa crecerá un 2,7% este ejercicio, coincidiendo con las previsiones de la Comisión [...]

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