Nos Dernières Publications

After the contraction of the real estate market in 2023 due to inflation and rising interest rates, the sector started to recover in 2024 thanks to a reduction in the cost of financing and a rebound in sales. By 2025, this trend is expected to consolidate, although limited supply will [...]

As a European credit rating agency with a strong focus on the Spanish and French markets, EthiFinance Ratings has taken a keen interest in how 2024 proved to be another year of sustained growth for the tourism industry, continuing the upward trend seen since the pandemic. Indeed, tourism minister Jordi [...]

El panorama macroeconómico de 2024 estuvo marcado por la continuación de las tensiones geopolíticas y económicas, las tendencias económicas divergentes, pero también por la moderación de la inflación, lo que permitió el inicio de la flexibilización de la política monetaria en EE.UU. y en Europa. La prolongada guerra en Ucrania, [...]

FOUR YEARS OF BOND ISSUANCE IN EUROPE – EXPERT ANALYSES In recent years, the European public sector has played a prominent role in scaling up the Green, Social, and Sustainable (GSS) bond market, reflecting both increasing investors’ demand for impact-driven instruments and strong policy support for sustainable finance.   Issuers such [...]

With this study, EthiFinance analysed 50 leading PE providers in Germany on their implementation of ESG standards. The European ESG rating agency developed a set of 34 criteria to assess the 50 largest private equity asset managers operating in Germany based on publicly available information. An ESG Maturity Score was [...]

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