Rating rationale EthiFinance Ratings has analysed the credit profile of Sonepar in order to assign its short-term rating. The outcome is an SR1 short-term rating, the second-highest grade in EthiFinance Ratings ‘s rating scale. Credit profile Sonepar benefits from a strong business profile as the world’s largest B2B distributor of [...]
Thomas Beeton Pharmaceutical group Stada on March 4 sent an update to ease investor concerns over exposure to Russia, after its bonds and loans saw heavy losses last week due to the escalating conflict in Ukraine. “A devaluation of the ruble and a decline of the Russian economy over the [...]
By Abhinav Ramnarayan (Bloomberg) — The borrowing costs of European companies dependent on raw materials from Russia and Ukraine jumped as Moscow’s full-scale invasion of its neighbor heightened concern over supply lines running across the continent. European companies as diverse as U.K. chicken manufacturer Boparan Finance Plc, which needs gas [...]
Ed Clark With no clear end in sight to the tension between Ukraine and Russia and wider volatility disrupting markets, participants in European high-yield don’t see new issues emerging in the coming days. “I think the high-yield market will remain pretty quiet given the volatility and uncertainty around Russia and [...]
Qivalio et Axesor se rapprochent dans un marché où règnent sans partage les trois américaines S & P, Moody’s et Fitch. Ensemble, ils vont former une agence européenne spécialisée dans la notation financière mais aussi ESG (Environnemental, Social et Gouvernance). Et ce, alors même que le livre « Les Fossoyeurs » pointe [...]