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Qivalio et Axesor Rating, première agence de rating indépendante espagnole, se rapprochent pour créer ensemble EthiFinance, alternative européenne en matière de notation financière et ESG. Paris, le 17 février 2022 − Qivalio, l’agence Française de notation, annonce ce jour l’acquisition d’Axesor Rating, la première agence de notation espagnole indépendante. Cette [...]

Qivalio joins forces with Axesor Rating, Spain’s n°1 independent credit rating agency, to become the European alternative in ESG and credit ratings. The new Group’s activities will be brought together under the brand “EthiFinance”. Paris, 17 February 2022 – Qivalio, the French rating agency, has announced today its acquisition of [...]

Par Xavier Diaz(L’Agefi) — Les reports d’émissions se multiplient sur le marché high yield comme un signe supplémentaire de la nervosité des investisseurs. Le marché crédit n’a pas échappé à la correction provoquée par le réajustement des anticipations de hausses de taux par la Fed et le haut rendement par [...]

Thomas Beeton F.I.S. – Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici is out with price talk of 5.75% area for its planned €350 million 5.5-year (non-call two-year) sustainability-linked secured bond offering, with books set to close today at 2 p.m. London time. BNP Paribas (B&D) and Credit Suisse are joint global coordinators and sustainability-linked bond [...]

Thomas Beeton Price talk has been given as follows for the three-part secured bond offering from WFS Global SAS: Talk comes comfortably inside initial price thoughts given Jan. 31 at 6.75%-7%, E+650 area and 8%-8.25% on each tranche, respectively. Books for the euro tranches close at 1:30 p.m. London time, [...]

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