Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how we manage, process and store personal data in connection with the provision of our services. 


In the course of using this Site, we may collect and manage the following categories of personal data:   

  • First name and surname 
  • E-mail address 
  • Telephone number 
  • IP address 



As a User, personal data is processed to meet one or more of the precisely defined purposes. 

Each objective is associated with a legal basis, listed below:  

1. On the basis of our legitimate interest in providing you with a safe, optimal, efficient and personalised experience, we carry out processing operations for the following purposes:  

  • To resolve any problems and improve the use of our sites and services;  
  • To personalise, evaluate and improve our services, content and material;  
  • To analyse the volume and history of your use of our services;  
  • To find out more about our services.  


2. On the basis of the performance of a contract to which you are a party, we carry out processing operations for the following purposes:  

  • To provide our services;  
  • To offer our services; 
  • To facilitate performance, including checks on you.  


3. On the basis of compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations, we carry out processing for the following purposes:  

  • To prevent, detect and investigate any activity that may be prohibited, illegal or contrary to good practice and to ensure compliance with our terms of use;  
  • To exercise our rights.  



The consent and authorisation required for each data purpose will be obtained via the various data collection forms on the website and via the contracts signed with the User.  

This consent may be withdrawn at any time for commercial and promotional purposes that are not essential for the acquisition and provision of services. To do so, please inform the company by sending an e-mail to the following address: . 

If a contract is signed with a legal entity, the consent given by the authorised signatories will be considered valid both in their own name and in the name of the legal entity they represent. They may refuse communications through Ethifinance’s communication channels at any time. 

Answering the questions and providing the data required to establish their relationship with Ethifinance are completely optional. Ethifinance is not obliged to ask for the User’s consent for the collection of his/her data in the context of a contractual or pre-contractual commercial relationship, as this data is necessary for the maintenance and performance of the said contract. Similarly, if the User refuses to provide the personal data requested, the validity of the agreement will be invalidated as this data is necessary for the aforementioned purposes. 

Explicit consent is not required where both parties have a legitimate interest in responding to requests for information, suggestions or enquiries, or in contacting the User.  



When you browse the Site, your personal data is intended for Ethifinance’s own use, but may also be passed on to external partner companies that provide support and assistance in the provision of our services. However, we implement clear data protection requirements for all our external partners.  

No personal data is transferred outside the European Union. 



 In any event, we will retain your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed, in accordance with the uses set out in this Privacy Policy and in compliance with laws and regulations. 

For example: 

  • Personal data collected for evidential purposes: duration of the legal limitation period (generally 5 years in France). 
  • Personal data collected in connection with the data subject’s rights: if we ask you for proof of identity, we only keep it for as long as is necessary to verify your identity. Once verification has been carried out, the proof is deleted. 



Any User concerned by the processing of their personal data may avail themselves of the following rights, pursuant to the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (RGPD) and the Data Protection Act (Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978): 

  • Right of access, rectification and deletion of data;   
  • Right to data portability ;  
  • Right to limit and object to the processing of data ;  
  • Right to withdraw your consent at any time; 
  • Right to refer the matter to the competent supervisory authority.   


However, please note that Ethifinance may not be able to respond to the User’s request for deletion of data for specific legal reasons, which will be communicated to the User where appropriate.  

In certain circumstances and for reasons linked to their particular situation, Users may also refuse to have their data processed. In this case, Ethifinance will cease to process the data, except in the presence of legitimate reasons or for the legitimate interest of its customers or to defend itself against possible complaints. 

The User may request such a restriction in the following situations: 

  • He is informed of an inaccuracy in the personal data and wishes that Ethifinance has time to verify this accuracy; 
  • The User considers that the processing is unlawful but prefers to restrict the use of personal data rather than delete it; 
  • Ethifinance no longer needs the personal data for the original purpose, but one or other of the parties needs it to prepare its defence against a claim; 
  • The User objects to the processing of data and Ethifinance must check whether the legitimate reasons for processing prevail over the legitimate reasons of the User.  


In this case, we will only keep the data for the purpose of exercising the right to defend against claims. 

To exercise your rights, please send us an e-mail to   In order for us to process your request, you may be asked to provide a photocopy of proof of identity or authority.   

For more information on your rights, please visit the website of the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL), the independent administrative authority responsible for the protection of personal data in France, at the following address: 




We attach great importance to the security and integrity of the personal data we collect. We implement security measures to protect your data. We regularly monitor our systems to detect possible vulnerabilities and attacks. However, this does not enable us to guarantee the security of the information you send us. There is no guarantee that data will not be accessed, disclosed, modified or destroyed by a breach of our management, technical or physical safeguards. 


Changes to the Privacy Policy  

Ethifinance reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time, in particular to reflect changes in applicable laws and regulations. We undertake to inform you in the event of any substantial modification.  



When you visit the site, you are informed that a cookie may be automatically installed on your browser. 

A “cookie” is a small data file sent to your browser and stored on your terminal (e.g. computer, smartphone) (hereinafter referred to as “Cookies”). This file includes information such as the User’s domain name, your Internet service provider, your operating system and the date and time of access. Cookies are in no way likely to damage your terminal. Cookies are sent back to the original website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognises this cookie, in order to build up a record of your online activity.  

We use cookies to facilitate browsing and/or the provision of services offered by the website. Cookies are also used to monitor and analyse connection and website usage data in order to: 

  • To maintain, operate, develop, improve and personalise our website;  
  • Know when a user visits and returns to our website, which pages they interact with and how often;  
  • To create aggregate, anonymous usage statistics in order to monitor and improve the traffic, performance, features, functionality and security of the website;  
  • To establish correlations between the data in our customer relationship management (CRM) system in order to generate commercial opportunities: visits to our customers’ and prospects’ websites and their browsing data.  


The User may refuse Cookies by modifying the parameters of his/her Internet browser. However, if Cookies are refused, certain functions of the Site may not be available and the User’s browsing and experience on the Site may therefore be limited.  

Users can choose to express and modify their wishes regarding Cookies at any time.  

The Site declines all responsibility in the event of impaired operation of the Site and any services offered as a result of (i) the User’s refusal to accept Cookies or (ii) the Site’s inability to save or consult the Cookies required for their operation as a result of the User’s choice.  


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